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The activities that took place within the park included a fire show by the fire troop Pele’s pyromancers, juggling and goblin mayhem by Spencer the Goblin (Haworth’s street performer), arts and crafts by small world arts, recycling by Eco Elemental. There where also talks, workshops and storytelling all within the park, as well as fairy trails, treasure hunts, decorative mushrooms, lanterns and sparkle paths running through the caves.

The local newspapers included with event within the local news twice in the week and the feedback from both locals and attendee’s was positive, so much so that we decided to run this event again in 2012.

The 2012 event was opened by the mayor of Keighley and again piped into the park by Steve the Greenman Potter. Local musicians performed at this fairy invasion throughout the day including Ben Blue Waters, Haworth Ukulele Group (HUG) as well as many other local musicians.  Spencer the Goblin returned as juggler, singer and fire performer. Freyja fire sprite entertained children with pixie playtime and wowed the audience with her fire performance. This event tempted international fire performer Fryer the fire (as seen on television) back out of retirement for a cameo performance for the crowds delight.

The fairy market was busy and again included the very talented Linda Ravenscroft, this time exhibiting her artwork for purchase in the Summer House. Face painters, glitter tattoo body art and handcrafted pottery where amongst the wonderful stalls.

Storytelling was a big hit yet again with children actively seeking it out, storytellers included Noel Watkins, Adam Samson, Old Fool and Freyja Fire Sprite, within the fairy queen’s chair that seemed to be custom built for storytelling within the matrix of caves and structures.


The decorations (sponsored by Freyja’s pixie decorations and Twisted Twinkle arts and crafts) included the mushroom circle, fairies, flowers, lanterns and sparkle within the caves and surrounding areas. With a surprise around every corner to enchant and delight young and old alike, the decorations enhanced the feel of the day and made a truly magical event.


The events popularity increased with visitor numbers, increasing to approximately 2000 through the gates, making front page news in the local press twice in the week and positive feedback from all concerned.


Oakworth Enchanted Gardens.​
by Freyja Fire Sprite

When I moved to Yorkshire in 2009 I was shown the most magical of places in Oakworth, West Yorkshire. It is a network of caves that have been designed and created in order to captivate the visitors to Holden Park, in memory of Sir Issac Holden Esq. Whilst I adventured around the park I could sense a fairy presence and knew that this was an enchanted place.

I had been dressing as Fae for functions and delighting the youngsters and had often admired events done down at the south of England and yearned to attend one of these events. As a local entertainer and fire dancer I got involved with Friends of Holden Park (FOHP) to see if there was any fund raising that I could help with.  I found out that the picnic in the park was poorly attended so decided to put forth my idea.




When I asked if anyone would be interested in such a day on the internet, I had messages from all over the UK , I was astounded at the interest and excitement of people, not just children but a variety of people including a medieval band called Serpentyne wanted to play to help raise funds and awareness of this beautiful park.


The first invasion of the Fae was in 2011 to the quiet sleepy village of Oakworth, we had visitors from Scotland to London, the estimation of visitors where approximately 1500. Many booking into local bed and breakfasts and visiting the local shops as well as other attractions, fairy related market stalls where set up within the park, including world renowned artist Linda Ravenscroft.

The event was opened by the mayor of Bradford, who was piped into the park by bagpipes of Steve the Greenman potter, who was also exhibiting his handcrafted pottery that was available to purchase. The Keighley Cougers with their mascot were in attendance, graffiti artist Matthew Roberts also demonstrated his style of artwork and auctioned some of this art in aid of FOHP.  The local scouts provided tasty BBQ and reasonable prices, pancakes and ice-creams provided by local businesses.

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